NEWS FLASH: Unique numbers required in 2024

If you’ve raced with us before, you know that we do not allow duplicate numbers in each class. That means you might see a #15 in Stock AWD and a #15 in Modified FWD. With the size of our events, we need to update our number protocol to require that all drivers must race with a unique number, regardless of class.

We have reviewed numbers used in 2023 and reserved them on behalf of the driver. Any duplicate number that was used by multiple drivers was assigned to the driver who began racing with NWRA first. This means that some drivers who were previously using a number may not be able to select it in the future.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Review the driver list to see if there is a number assigned to you. If yes, be sure that is the number you select during registration.

  • If you do not have a number assigned, review the list of reserved numbers to see if your desired number(s) are available. We recommend having a few options ready for when you register so that you aren’t slowed down during the process. You will reserve your number when you sign up for it and you won’t risk having someone else take it in the future.

  • If you see your name with a number reserved that you no longer want, please email us at to let us know so we can remove it from the reserved list.