Copyright © 2023 by Northwest Rally Association All rights reserved. This rule set or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the organization.
Conduct of Competitors
Competitor Eligibility
Passenger Eligibility
Eligible Vehicles
Vehicle Inspection
Competition Rules
Vehicle Classification
To provide a consistent set of competition rules for all Northwest Rally race events that facilitate fair competition and sportsmanship.
A rallycross is a motorsports event where vehicles race on a course delineated by cones on generally unpaved, mostly flat surfaces. Elapsed time is tracked by the organizer with time-based penalties assessed for actions such as missed cones and driving off-course. Scoring is the accumulation of timed runs plus penalties where the lowest time wins. One car is released at a time with course workers monitoring cones and penalties.
Rallycross events are structured as a run-work format where competitors race during their class session and work the course when another class races.
Northwest Rally Association will make event-specific exceptions if a venue or unusual circumstance requires. Event-specific exceptions will be shared in pre-race competitor communication (via email) and also in the driver meeting at said event.
Modification to Rallycross Rules
Northwest Rally Association may, from time to time, choose to modify a rule at their discretion. All efforts will be made to notify competitors of changes in a timely manner. As rules may change, please refer to the website for the most recent version.
Conduct of Competitors
Each competitor must:
Practice good sportsmanship at all times.
Register for and compete in the appropriate class for their vehicle. It is the driver’s responsibility to know the correct class based on the rules and vehicle classifications.
Be responsible for their own safety and the safety of others.
Know, understand and follow all rules as stated herein, in competitor communications and required driver meetings.
Treat all officials, volunteers, spectators, the public and other competitors with respect and courtesy.
Obey all laws and local ordinances, most importantly as they pertain to traffic laws.
Not dispose of trash anywhere on site except for designated garbage receptacles.
Follow the prescribed course. It is the competitor’s responsibility to know the course in order to keep other competitors, course workers and spectators safe. Competitors will be given the opportunity to walk and drive the course prior to competition.
Fully perform their work assignment as instructed.
Failure to comply with the conduct requirements may result in disqualification and/or suspension.
Competitor Eligibility
To be eligible for Rallycross competition, a driver must:
Not be disqualified from event or suspended from competition.
Be, at minimum, 15 years old and meet one of the following criteria:
a. Possess a valid (not expired or suspended) drivers license in their state of residence, or
b. Possess a valid instruction permit and be accompanied by a parent/guardian that has been a licensed driver for at least five years.
Passenger Eligibility
One passenger is permitted in car during competition runs unless otherwise stated in event-specific communication. In order for passengers to ride along, the following criteria must be met:
A passenger seat must be present and in safe condition (front seat only, no passengers permitted in the back seat).
The seatbelts for the passenger seat must be in safe, operating order.
Passenger must be at least 12 years of age.
Passenger must wear a helmet that meets the requirements set forth under Safety Equipment.
Eligible Vehicles
In addition to these eligibility requirements, competitors are required to read and understand the preparation allowances and requirements for your vehicle classification. Some vehicle classes have additional requirements or exceptions that may impact your eligibility. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that their vehicle is eligible to compete.
Rallycross is open to any fixed-roof, four wheeled passenger vehicle that can pass safety inspection. This includes:
Electric & hybrid vehicles
Convertibles with a factory hardtop or roll cage and metal roof
Targa-type roofs with factory panel in place
T-tops with factory panels in place
Trophy trucks
UTVs, side-by-sides, crosskarts, Formula Cross, Legend cars and tube frame vehicles
Vehicles must have body panels on all sides.
The Race Director has the authority to determine at their discretion that a vehicle cannot safely negotiate the course and may exclude it from competition.
The following vehicles are ineligible for rallycross competition:
Vehicles over 80” tall
Vehicles over 80” total width
Monster trucks or excessively lifted vehicles
Vehicle Inspection
All vehicles must pass safety inspection at each event on the following points prior to competing.
Vehicle Decals
All vehicles must have their number and class on the driver and passenger sides of the vehicle. The minimum size for the numbers is 6 inches tall with a 1 inch stroke. Class letters may be of any size as long as they can be seen from a reasonable distance away. All number/class decals must be in a contrasting color to the vehicle body. If you have any questions or concerns about your number or class, bring a package of letter/numbers and apply them at the event.
Each event may have sponsor sticker requirements. These stickers must be placed on the car prior to inspection and remain on the car for the duration of the event.
General Safety
All loose items inside and outside the car (including trunk and storage areas) must be removed.
Vehicle must be wider than it is tall. The height of the vehicle is measured from the ground to the highest point of the roof and must be less or equal to the width of the vehicle measured from the outside of the tires (side to side).
Steering wheel spinner knobs are not permitted, except as permitted for physically disabled drivers (see following provision regarding disability accommodations).
Physically disabled drivers may use alternate vehicle controls and preparations items appropriate for the nature of their disability. In the case of a driver using alternate controls, extra care should be taken to ensure that the driver does have adequate control of the vehicle and that the control mechanisms can stand up to competition use. Pre-approval for these accommodations is required and can be obtained by submitting a request to info@nwrallyassociation.com.
Wheel bearings, shocks, steering and suspension shall be in good operating condition.
All vehicles must have adequate operable forward lighting to participate in night or low-light events.
Snap on hubcaps, detachable fender skirts and trim rings must be removed.
Convertible, targa or t-top vehicles must have their factory hardtop or panels securely in place.
Sunroofs must be fully closed. The driver window may not be down more than 1” during course runs unless the vehicle is equipped with a window net. The same restriction applies to the passenger window if there is a passenger.
Cracks are permitted to the outside layer of the laminated windshield only. A windshield that has experienced object penetration and/or has deformation is not allowed. Any form of windshield separation or delamination from the body of the car is not allowed.
Wheels & Tires
Wheels must be safely affixed. All studs and lug nuts must be present and installed correctly.
Tires must be in good condition with no cords/belts showing and no cracks in the sidewall. The following tires are not permitted:
a. space-saving spare tires designed for temporary, low speed use
b. motorcycle/motocross tires
c. ATV tires
d. tires over 37” in diameter
e. paddle tires
Throttle return action shall be safe and positive.
No excessive fuel, oil, water or brake fluid leaks should be observed when the engine is running.
All batteries (on board power supplies) shall be attached to ensure that the battery and/or power supply will remain in place. If a lead-acid (wet cell) type battery is relocated from its original location, it must be equipped with leak-proof caps and enclosed in a non-conductive, marine-type box that is vented to the outside of the vehicle. Dry cell batteries, commonly known as Recombinant Gas (RG) or Glass Mat Technology (GMT) batteries are not required to be in a marine-type box. The hot terminal must be insulated on all vehicles. All batteries should be securely attached to the primary structure of the vehicle.
Nitrous oxide and methanol/alcohol injection systems are prohibited.
Brakes must have an adequate pedal, sufficient fluid in the master cylinder, no apparent hydraulic leaks and shall be operational at all four wheels.
Safety Equipment
Seatbelts containing a lap and shoulder belt are required (3 point). Race harnesses are permitted (4+ point) in all classes. All seatbelts must be properly installed per the manufacturers recommendations with attaching hardware secure and tight. Competitors are required to wear seatbelts when driving in competition.
Helmets must be worn by all drivers and passengers during competition. Helmets must be in good condition, fit properly, provide adequate peripheral vision and the chinstrap must be securely fastened. All helmets meeting the latest or two immediately preceding Snell Foundation, SFI, British or FIA standards are acceptable. This includes:
a. Snell Foundation: SA2020, SA2015, SAH2015, SA2010, SAH2010, M2020, M2015, M2010, K2020, K2015, K2010
b. SFI Standards: 31.1, 31.2, 41.1, 41.2 All SFI helmets must have a date label stating 2010 or newer.
c. British Spec: BC6658-85 Type A/FR or ECE22.05
d. FIA: 8859-2015, 8860-2010, 8858-2010
Sound Check & Requirements
In order to satisfy local noise restrictions, a 96 db[A] limit is strictly enforced. A sound check will be performed at your first event each season. Your car will not need to be rechecked unless any modifications to or replacement of the exhaust are done. The sound check procedure is as follows:
Tester holds the sound measuring device 18 inches behind exhaust at a 45 degree angle at head height.
Driver revs the car to 2/3 of maximum RPM. For example, if the car has a red line of 6,000 RPM, the driver will rev the engine to 4,000.
The decibel measurement will be taken when the car reaches 2/3 of maximum RPM and if under 96db[A], the car has satisfied the sound check.
A sticker will be provided showing date tested and will be valid for the remainder of the season (if the exhaust remains unchanged).
Handheld Items
No loose items are allowed inside the vehicle. Handheld items such as cameras, cell phones or in-car cameras are considered loose items and are not permitted. In-car cameras, such as GoPros, must be securely affixed to the vehicle using suction, adhesive or hardware. If a driver or passenger are spotted utilizing a handheld item during competition, the driver will be given a red flag on course and the run will be scored as a DNF.
Competition Rules
Drugs & Alcohol: No drugs or alcohol are to be consumed during competition. If you show signs of being under the influence, the race director may remove you from competition at their discretion.
Firearms: No firearms are permitted at Northwest Rally Association events.
Driver Meeting: A mandatory driver meeting is held at the beginning of each event or recorded and distributed prior to the event. Every driver must attend or watch the driver meeting, must have already completed their vehicle inspection and checked in before competing. Drivers who do not attend the meeting will be ineligible to race.
Parade Lap: Each driver is entitled to drive a parade lap, a course lap driven at slow speed. Any competitor that rides along with another competitor during the parade lap forfeits their right to drive the parade. This includes dual drivers - dual drivers may either take two solo laps or one lap together as a team. The parade lap is to be driven under 20mph without stopping, sliding or periods of rapid acceleration/deceleration. Slides, hand-brake turns, stopping or spinning tires during the parade lap will result in your first competition lap being scored as a DNF.
Start Line Procedure: You will be directed to the start line by a grid worker. At the start line, the start worker will give you a signal when you are cleared to start. You have 25 seconds once signaled to leave the line or your run will be scored as a DNF (see Penalties below).
Finish Line & Stop Box: At many events, a stop box will be present just past the finish line (marked with cones and a stop sign). Drivers must come to a complete stop within the stop box. A complete stop is defined as all four wheels stopped and the vehicle has no forward momentum. Once the vehicle has come to a complete stop, the driver may continue at parade speed (10 mph) back to the grid or paddock area.
Red Flag Procedure: All course worker stations on course are equipped with a red flag that is to be used when there is a need to stop all cars on course (e.g. a car has stalled on course, gone off course in an unsafe manner, etc). Drivers may be presented with a red flag during competition runs and need to follow these steps:
Come to a controlled, complete stop as quickly as possible. Do not brake hard enough to cause a skid or slide.
Wait for directions from a course worker. Directions may be to run the remainder of the course at parade speed (10mph) or take a shortcut back to start/finish at parade speed.
Failure to stop at two consecutive red flags (driving past two course workers waving red flags) will result in a DNF for that run.
Penalties: Predefined time penalties are assessed for each of the violations below.
Cone Penalty (2 seconds): Incurred when driver knocks a cone over or moves it out of its base box. Base box is defined as the imaginary box outlining the base of the cone when set in its original position. This includes the cone being contacted by the vehicle or by the dirt/gravel spray off the back of the vehicle.
Missed Gate (10 seconds): A gate is any upright course delineating cone. A missed gate is incurred when the driver goes to the wrong side of a cone.
Did Not Finish – DNF (slowest time in class + 30 seconds): Incurred when the driver fails to complete the course on a competition run due to mechanical failure or other incident.
Driving Off-Course (slowest time in class + 30 seconds): Driving off course is defined as missing two consecutive gates or navigating off the course in a manner that endangers course workers, spectators or other competitors. The race director may determine a driver is off course at their discretion.
Stop Box Failure (10 seconds): Failure to come to a complete stop in the stop box.
Scoring: Your final score is the accumulation of total time on course plus any penalties incurred (there are no “dropped” runs – all runs are scored). The lowest time in class wins.
Time Out: Each competitor has one time out they may use during their session that can be used for any reason (vehicle repairs, allowing the car to cool, fixing a debeaded tire, etc). The time out process is as follows:
Driver must notify a grid or start worker that you are taking a time out.
The grid/start teams will begin a 10 minute timer at the time when the driver was to be at the start line for their run.
The driver must be back to the grid area within 10 minutes of their start time and must notify a grid worker that they are back. If the driver is unable to return to the start line within 10 minutes, their run will be scored as DNF.
Debead Procedure: If a tire debeads during a competition run, the driver will be administered a red flag for safety reasons (a debeaded tire creates a high rollover risk). The driver will be directed to proceed to paddock at parade speed to fix the tire. They will be given one rerun for that competition run as long as they make it back to the grid area within 10 minutes of exiting the course. Note: Each driver will only be given one debead time out. After that, they will be scored a DNF for any subsequent debeads.
Competition Delay Penalty: In order to avoid excessive delays, drivers who cause two red flags or other competition-delay events will not be able to continue competing in that event. For example, a vehicle breaks down on course resulting in a red flag and the driver is given a DNF for that run. The driver is able to repair the issue and start their next run. During that run, the car breaks down again. At this point, the driver will discontinue racing for that event.
Exception: In the occurrence of a debead, the driver is given one rerun which will not count against their competition-delay incident. If there is a second debead, that will count as the competition-delay incident.
Work Assignment: Each competitor is given a work assignment on race day. Typical work assignments are course worker, timing assistant, cleanup, etc. Failure to complete your work assignment will result in disqualification from competition and scoring for that event. Additionally, the race director may choose to disqualify a competitor from future events at their discretion.
Ride Alongs: If a competitor wants to ride along with another driver during a race lap (non-parade laps), they are allowed to do so as long as they are in their car, at the line and ready to race when it is their turn. If a driver misses their lap due to a poorly timed ride along, they will receive a DNF for the run they missed.
Vehicle Classification
Rallycross events operate under the expectation that competitors place themselves in the proper class at the time of registration. If you are unsure of the appropriate class for your vehicle based on the allowances listed below, please contact the organizers at info@nwrallyassociation.com. You may be told to move classes if your modifications are found to qualify you into another class.
Stock Class
Stock Rear Wheel Drive (SR)
Stock Front Wheel Drive (SF)
Stock All Wheel Drive (SA)
Summary: Stock Class is intended for cars equipped as from the manufacturer with only factory installed and port-installed option packages. Options that were only part of a package must be present with the entire package. Complete option packages may be installed after purchase of the vehicle.
Preparation Allowances
Any air filter may be used but it must fit in the stock air box housing.
Any clutch disc or pressure plate may be used provided it fits all the other unmodified stock components.
Exhaust systems may be removed or replaced, from the catalytic converter back, with the following requirements:
a. The exhaust must exit rear of the driver.
b. The exhaust must comply with noise restrictions listed under Sound Check & Requirements
Any radiator of any material that fits the stock location and is of stock dimensions can be used.
ABS and/or traction control systems may be electronically/electrically disabled but not removed.
Any brake pads may be used in the stock caliper or drums.
Any slotted, drilled and/or wave rotor may be used as long as they are stock dimensions.
Fuel may be any type of unleaded, E85 or diesel/biodiesel fuel commonly available at the pump. Alternative fuels must be pre-approved by the race director. No other alcohol fuels or nitrous oxide are allowed.
Vehicle lights may be replaced with alternate bulbs and housing. Auxiliary lights may be added. The total number of lights shall not be less than standard.
A skid plate of any material may be added to the underside of the vehicle. Only minimal modifications needed to install the skid plate are permitted.
Mud flaps are permitted and suggested on all driven wheels.
Any bolt on accessory is permitted so long as it is not an aerodynamic aid such as a wing, spoiler or dive plane.
Shocks/dampers may be replaced with unmodified OEM or unmodified mass-produced aftermarket replacement units intended by the manufacturer for the specific year, make and model used. Rebuilds are allowed but only if the shock/damper is rebuilt to its original specifications (i.e. no revalving). The stock spring must be used as it was on the OEM unit. The spring perch must be factory welded to the damper or use the exact attachment method and position as OEM. Remote reservoir shocks are only allowed if they are exact OEM units.
One sway bar may be added, replaced or removed. A replacement sway bar may serve no other purpose than originally intended by the vehicle manufacturer. In the case where the sway bar is also a suspension locating link, stock geometry and methods of attachment must be maintained.
Any wheel alignment settings may be used provided the settings can be accomplished within the unmodified adjustment range as delivered from the factory. Any alignment techniques allowed by the factory service manual from the vehicle manufacturer may also be used.
Wheels & Tires
Tires must be U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) approved and display the applicable DOT symbol and Tire Identification Number (TIN) label. Tires with the-equivalent Canadian DOT and TIN labels are allowed on Canada registered vehicles. Tires marked “for competition only”, “not for street use” or similar are not allowed. No part of the tire may be modified or altered from its original form, either through addition or subtraction, other than normal wear. Alternate tire sizes are allowed but tires may not interfere with any parts of the car (fenders, fender liners, suspension, etc). Studded tires are generally not permitted however exceptions may be made for certain venues or conditions. Email info@nwrallyassociation.com before using studded tires at any event.
Any type of wheel may be used provided it complies with the following:
a. Wheel diameter may be increased or decreased 1 inch from the OEM wheel.
b. Wheels must be of the same width as the OEM wheel, + or - 1 inch.
c. Wheel offset (backspace) must be within 10mm of the OEM wheel offset. Wheel spacers are considered part of the wheel.
Tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) may be disabled. Altering the signal to the TPMS is permitted.
Dress-up and convenience items which do not give a performance advantage, reduce the weight of the car or weigh less than the replaced part are allowed (shift knobs, pedal covers, etc).
Aftermarket replacement batteries are allowed provided they are the same group size and location as originally equipped.
Vehicles may add one rear trailer hitch/receiver that may serve no other purpose. Factory tie downs and cosmetic pieces may be modified or removed only to the extent necessary to facilitate hitch installation. Complete or partial removal of the hitch is allowed for competition, provided it does not result in a reduction in weight compared to the unmodified standard configuration.
Spare tires, tools, jacks and any related covers may be removed.
Audio system components may be replaced with alternate components intended for the application (i.e. factory head unit may be replaced with aftermarket single-din head unit).
Prepared Class
Prepared Rear Wheel Drive (PR)
Prepared Front Wheel Drive (PF)
Prepared All Wheel Drive (PA)
Summary: Prepared Class is intended to act as an intermediate step between the Stock and Modified Classes where a small amount of additional modifications are allowed in addition to those permitted in the Stock Class.
Additional Preparation Allowances (all stock preparations are permitted)
Exhaust systems from the cylinder head exhaust ports back may be replaced with any material with the following requirements:
a. The exhaust must exit to the rear of the driver.
b. The exhaust must comply with noise restrictions listed under Sound Check & Requirements.
c. Functional catalytic converter(s) are required on vehicles equipped with catalytic converter(s) as original equipment. Any high flow catalytic converter(s) are allowed. Multiple catalytic converters may be replaced by a single unit. The inlet of the single replacement converter may be located no further downstream than 6" along the piping flow path from the original exit of the final OE converter. Vehicles not equipped with a catalytic converter as original equipment are not required to have one.
The intake system upstream from the throttle body may be replaced with any material. Forced induction components cannot be changed or added (turbochargers, superchargers, intercoolers). Turbocharger boost regulation systems, either electronic or mechanical, may be modified or replaced. The pulley on the supercharger may be replaced with an alternate size along with the supercharger drive belt.
Short shift kits are allowed.
Electronic engine controls may be modified or piggybacked but not replaced.
On carburetor equipped cars, any bolt on intake manifold or carburetor may be used. Any air filter system and associated parts may also be used.
Vehicles may substitute any differential with a mechanically governed limited slip or locking unit of an alternate type. This includes spools and welded stock differentials. This does not allow the use of a differential with external controls (electronic or otherwise) to regulate slip or locking. Differentials must be contained in a stock, unmodified housing/third member with stock or optional ring and pinion rations available for the specific model, body and year of the vehicle only.
Accessory drive pulleys and belts may be replaced.
Any clutch disc, flywheels or pressure plate may be used.
On automatic transmission vehicles, any torque converter may be used.
Engine cooling radiators may be replaced with alternate parts subject to the following restrictions:
a. Radiator core dimensions (width, height, thickness) must be no smaller than the standard part.
b. Radiator must mount to OE radiator mounts.
c. Fluid capacity and dry weight of the radiator must be no less than that of the standard part. Installation of an alternate radiator may serve no other purpose (e.g. to allow a cold air intake passage). In addition, the engine fan and fan shroud (unless it serves another purpose, e.g., as an alternator/generator mount) may be removed, modified or replaced. Electrically driven fans are allowed.
Oil cooling radiators for engine, transmission, or differentials may be added, modified, or replaced with alternate parts providing they and their installation serve no other purpose, and are subject to the following restrictions:
a. Fluid capacity and dry weight of any radiator being modified or replaced must be no less than that of the OEM standard part.
b. Radiator(s) and their lines must be securely mounted, reside in the engine bay area, or the general location of the OEM part being replaced or modified. No lines may be routed through the passenger compartment.
c. No body parts or structure may be altered in any way, except for the minimum holes to facilitate mounting brackets and fluid lines for installation.
Any brakes may be used as long as there are brakes on all four wheels.
Addition of rear wings and hood scoops/vents is allowed provided that either:
a. It is a production part which is standard or optional equipment of a US model of the vehicle, or
b. It is listed in the vehicle manufacturer's US accessory catalog for that vehicle for normal highway use. Parts must be installed as directed by the manufacturer. Exact replicas (including weight) from alternate sources are also permitted.
Non-metallic fender/wheel well liners may be modified or removed. Ground-facing non-metallic shields beneath the engine compartment may be modified or removed, provided they are forward of the passenger compartment and not integrally molded to the front bumper or valance.
Any sway bars and their mounting may be used or removed.
Front and/or rear strut tower bars are permitted.
Any dampers may be used. Damper attachment points on the body/frame/subframe/chassis/ suspension member may not be altered. This installation may incorporate an alternate upper spring perch/seat and/or mounting block (bearing mount). No damper may be capable of adjustment while the car is in motion, unless fitted as original equipment. MacPherson strut equipped cars may substitute struts, and/or may use any insert. This does not allow unauthorized changes in suspension geometry or changes in attachment points (e.g. affecting the position of the lower ball joint or spindle). Threaded collars and camber plates are allowed.
Camber kits also known as camber compensators, may be installed. These kits consist of either adjustable length arms or arm mounts (including ball joints) that provide a lateral adjustment to the effective length of a control arm. Alignment outside the factory specifications is allowed. The following restrictions apply:
a. On double/unequal arm (e.g. wishbone, multi-link) suspensions, only the upper arms OR lower arms may be modified or replaced, but not both. Non-integral longitudinal arms that primarily control fore/aft wheel movement (e.g. trailing arm(s) or link(s) of a multilink suspension) may not be replaced, changed, or modified.
b. On arm-and-strut (MacPherson) suspensions, adjustable camber plates may be installed at the top of the strut and the original upper mounting holes may be slotted. The drilling of holes in order to perform the installation is permitted. The center clearance hole may not be modified. Any type of bearing or bushing may be used in the adjustable camber plate attachment to the strut. The installation may incorporate an alternate upper spring perch/seat and/or mounting block (bearing mount).
c. On swing or trailing arm suspensions, the main arms may not be modified or replaced, but lateral locating links/arms may be modified or replaced.
d. The replacement arms or mounts must attach to the original standard mounting points. All bushings may not be moved or relocated on the arm, except as incidental to the camber adjustment. The knuckle/bearing housing/spindle assembly cannot be modified or replaced.
Springs may be replaced but they must be of the same type and use original mounting points.
Wheels & Tires
Any DOT tire or rally competition tire is allowed.
Wheels are unrestricted.
Any front seat may be used provided the seating surface is fully upholstered. This does not permit the substitution of a passenger’s seat with a child or miniature seat of any type. Any substituted passenger’s seat must be sufficiently large and strong to be capable of adequately accommodating an adult such that it could be used as the driver’s seat. Cars may have no fewer than the original number of seats.
Alternate steering wheels and their attachment mechanisms are allowed.
Batteries may be substituted with any type. Relocation of the battery or batteries within the engine compartment or trunk area/luggage compartment behind the rearmost seats is permitted. Longer battery cables may be substituted to permit relocation and holes may be drilled to accommodate mounting of the battery and cables.
Any non-metallic bushing is allowed but the replacement must be non-metallic and attach to the original factory location without modification. This includes any suspension, steering rack, engine, transmission, differential and body/frame mount bushing.
Modified Class
Modified Rear Wheel Drive (MR)
Modified Front Wheel Drive (MF)
Modified All Wheel Drive – Naturally Aspirated (MA-NA)
Modified All Wheel Drive – Turbocharged or Supercharged (MA-TS)
Summary: The Modified Class is intended for street cars with a high level of modifications, Stage Rally cars and some electric or hybrid vehicles. The vehicle must maintain its original silhouette. All allowances from the Stock and Prepared classes are permitted.
Additional Preparation Allowances (all stock & prepared preparations are permitted)
Any electronic engine controls may be used.
Any turbocharged or supercharged internal combustion engine may be used. Except Mod All – NA which must be a naturally aspirated internal combustion engine or hybrid/electric power.
Any drivetrain may be used.
Exhaust systems may be replaced with any material with the following requirements:
a. The exhaust must exit to the rear of the driver.
b. The exhaust must comply with sound restrictions (see Sound Check and Requirements).
c. No catalytic converter is required.
Any AWD vehicle competing in the modified class that operates more than one motor must compete in Mod AWD -T/S. This includes electric, gas and hybrid vehicles.
Any fuel system may be used provided gasoline, E85 or diesel fuel is used.
Any non-stock fuel cell, filter or pump located in the passenger compartment must be shielded by a metal bulkhead.
Any fuel lines running through the passenger compartment must be of metal or metal braided construction.
Additional chassis braces and seam welding are permitted.
Any suspension may be used. This allows changes to all components and geometry.
All non‐essential components may be removed, replaced or relocated for the purpose of weight reduction or with the following requirements:
a. The shape of the body must remain recognizable as that of the manufacturer’s make and model.
b. The body must be made of a fire-resistant material.
c. Structural strength of the vehicle may not be reduced or compromised.
d. Doors, hoods, trunk lids, sunroofs, hatchbacks, etc., need not function as originally designed; however, the driver door and passenger doors (if a passenger seat is present) must maintain sufficient functionality to allow safe ingress/egress.
e. Grills and trim pieces may be modified, removed, or replaced with replicas of alternate material.
f. Bumpers not integral to the bodywork, and their associated mounting hardware, may be modified or removed. Bumpers integral to the bodywork may be modified or replaced with replicas of alternate material. Modified or replica bumpers must be of similar shape as standard components, and not confuse the identity of the vehicle.
g. Lights may be modified or removed, provided any remaining openings must be covered with a wire mesh screen or panel of fiberglass, metal, or similar non‐flammable material. Side mirrors may be removed or modified.
h. Fenders and doors may be modified or replaced but not removed.
i. Side and rear windows may be removed or replaced with Lexan or equivalent; however, a convertible hardtop must retain the OEM rear window.
j. Windshield may be replaced with Lexan/polycarbonate or equivalent with addition of a full roll cage with a log book (SCCA, Rally America, American Rally Association or NASA).
k. The interior components may be completely removed and/or replaced. Any edges created by these modifications that the driver or passenger may contact must be properly insulated to prevent injury.
l. Roof panels must be metal of at least the same thickness as original. Sunroof panels may be replaced with sheet metal of at least the same thickness as an original roof skin without sunroof. Inner roof structure may only be modified with addition of a full roll cage with a log book (SCCA, Rally America, American Rally Association or NASA).
m. Aerodynamic devices, including wings, splitters, spoilers and spats, may be added, removed or modified, and any such devices used must be securely mounted to the vehicle.
Open Class
Open Two Wheel Drive (O2)
Open Four Wheel Drive (O4)
Summary: The Open Class is intended for four-wheeled vehicles altered in excess of the Modified Classes such as dune buggies, sand rails, UTVs, tub frame/chassis vehicles, kit cars and similar types of custom built vehicles.
Engines can be internal combustion or electric powered. No turbines.
Installation of a scattershield, chain guard or explosion-proof bell housing is required on any vehicle where the failure of the clutch, flywheel or torque converter could create a hazard to the driver or passenger. Chain drive cars shall be fitted with a protective case/shield to retain the chain in case of failure. The following material requirements apply to the scattershields/explosion-proof bell housings:
a. 1/8 inch (0.125 inch; 3.18mm) SAE 4130 alloy steel
b. 1/4 inch (0.250 inch; 6.35mm) mild steel plate
c. 1/4 inch (0.250 inch; 6.35mm) aluminum alloy
d. SFI or NHRA approved flexible shields
Tube frame chassis is allowed.
A roll cage with a log book (SCCA, Rally America, American Rally Association or NASA) is required. A cage meeting the approval of a sanctioning body may be accepted with approval from the race director. Submit a request for approval to info@nwrallyassociation.com prior to your first event. Exception: If you are running a UTV, the factory cage is permitted.
Either a metal roof skin of mild steel (minimum thickness 0.063 inch) must cover the top of the roll cage between the front and rear main hoops or in the case of UTVs, the factory roof is acceptable. The roof skin shall be securely fastened to the roll cage. Drilling holes in the roll cage to attach the roof is prohibited.
Either a factory door or metal door skin of mild steel (minimum thickness 0.063 inch) is required for both sides.
A front windshield is not required however if so equipped, the windshield must be made of automotive safety glass or polycarbonate/Lexan and securely mounted to the vehicle. Polycarbonate windshields must be a minimum of 6mm in thickness. Drilling holes in the roll cage to attach the windshield is prohibited. If the vehicle is not equipped with a windshield, all occupants must wear full face helmets with face shields or goggles and gloves.
Side windows or safety nets must be present on the driver side and passenger side (if passenger is present). Side windows must be made of automotive safety glass or polycarbonate/Lexan.
A rear window is not required but if present it must be made of automotive safety glass or polycarbonate/Lexan and securely mounted to the vehicle. Polycarbonate windows must be a minimum of 6mm in thickness.
Drilling holes in the roll cage to attach to the side windows, window nets or rear window is prohibited.
Wheels & Tires
Any DOT tire (including DOT UTV tires), crosskart tires or rally competition tire is allowed.
Wheels are unrestricted.
The driver’s seat must be securely mounted to the structure of the vehicle and be installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. A passenger seat is not required but must also be securely mounted to the structure of the vehicle and be installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Seats must be intended by their manufacturer for competition use.
Minimum track is 50 inches measured from the center of the wheels. Minimum wheelbase is 72 inches measured from the center of the wheels.
Metal firewalls and floor panels/belly pans are required to prevent the passage of flame and debris into the driver’s compartment. The factory firewall in any material is also acceptable. The entire driver’s compartment below the base of the windshield and side windows must be covered with metal panels. These panels may be mounted inside the roll cage and/or outside the roll cage.
For vehicles with fluid lines routed inside the driver’s compartment, the belly pan/floor panels shall have drain holes to prevent the accumulation of fluids.
A four point or greater restraint system that is SFI or FIA rated is required by driver and passenger (if present) during all competition runs.
Window openings on the driver side must be covered during competition with one of the following A) safety glass (meant for a side window) B) lexan/polycarbonate (6mm minimum thickness) or C) a window net. If a passenger is present, the same requirements apply to the passenger side.
All vehicles shall be equipped with a master switch that meets the following requirements:
a. Must be easily accessible from outside the vehicle and by the driver while buckled into their harness.
b. Must be installed directly in either battery cable and shall cut all electrical circuits when turned to the “OFF” position.
c. Must be clearly marked by the international marking of a spark in a blue triangle and mounted in a standard location. “OFF” position shall be clearly indicated at the master switch location.
d. Must be securely fastened to the vehicle however drilling of holes in the roll cage to attach the mounting bracket is prohibited.
e. The factory ignition switch is acceptable as long as all power is shut off when the switch is in the “OFF” position, including the fuel pump and ignition.
All occupants, at minimum, must wear 100% cotton (no blends) outer wear that effectively covers the body from neck to ankles and wrists. All drivers must wear shoes that cover the entire foot. Fire resistant clothing is recommended.
A SFI or FIA rated head and neck restraint device is recommended for driver and passenger (if present).
Driver and passenger (if present) must demonstrate they can egress from the vehicle in less than 10 seconds.
Rules effective January 1, 2020 and may be updated at any time by the Northwest Rally Association.
Copyright © 2025 by Northwest Rally Association All rights reserved. This rule set or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the organization.
If you have questions about the rules, please feel free to send us a message!
updated January 2025